Categories: Study

Role Of Motivation In Student Life

Motivation is to provoke, arouse and direct a person’s interest into something productive. The first thing a student need is motivation in his life, it can be a make or break for him. He should keep moving towards his goal in all conditions. There should not be any circumstances where he find that he can’t go ahead to fulfill his dreams. If you have to succeed you know you should work hard every day. But we have seen students losing hope, even if they are good, sincere but sometimes what they lack is a little motivation in their lives.

  • Teacher’s role in Motivation

A teacher is the first person who can arouse a student’s pique. They knows better about their student’s capacity and interest. They can pursue and propel their students making them succeed in their career. They are the one who can inculcate moral as well as spiritual values in their students mind right from the very young age.

  • Self Motivation

There is another way of being motivated and it resides in our own. We can try motivating our soul, mind and body for any work we are going to do next. There can be a lot of ways one can make himself aroused. Sometimes, failure becomes a cause, it drives you in the front seat and you are always impelling to do a lot. But when there is nothing as such in your life, you can use other things to keep moving. Like you can read and watch inspirational videos, movies, read out some great people’s biographies, autobiographies, they can channelize your mind in a better direction. Read how they become so popular and effective that they touched everyone’s lives. If you can find an internal motivation that drives you towards your goals, nothing can beat that.

For more tips to study for students..

Mahima Laroyia

Published by
Mahima Laroyia

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