Categories: Study

How to Organize Study Space

  1. Place of Study

Most important is to choose your place where you have started to fulfill your goals. Choose it carefully, get aside of all the distractions. The most favorite place of yours may be converted to your best place to study. It can be either your terrace room or your study room.
If you are choosing bedroom then avoid using bed for study, it is best to put a table with a chair. Beds can make you lazy and you will find it hard to keep your eyes open.
A table and a chair near a window can do the job for you. Your body postures also effects your concentration. They need to be taken care of while study, keep your back straight and hands in front. Clean Surroundings

2.Clean Surroundings

Keep your space tidy so that you don’t feel any grudge while working. A clean and tidy space is always helpful while study. You can easily find your notes, books, printed papers, Xerox copies etc without a blink of an eye.  All your accessories should be in good condition because we can easily swipe away from our work. So don’t let yourself take any excuse from study. All the necessary things required during study time should be kept on your study table only. Background

3. Background

It is complicated to tell exactly if students like it silent while study or they love a soft music to concentrate well. You can try both and there is nothing wrong if you need music to understand things better.

But some people keep it silent to get best results. But try to keep it low, I’m talking about music not the noise. Noisy environment may not be beneficial at all. Well lighted Room

4.Well lighted Room

Adequate light into the room is necessary, may be a Table lamp or similar item will do the job for you. Also it is best if your room is in range of direct sunlight or natural light. Natural light has some medical benefits if consumed in morning or evening. It is also good for study, well lighted room will get you better level of concentration without laziness. It will refresh you while providing pleasurable and adequate amount of light. If can’t use natural light make use of Table lamp it is good for our eyes also. Natural light or a focused lamp will not cause strain in eyes. Other tips on how to get A grades in gcse and A-Levels…

Mahima Laroyia

Published by
Mahima Laroyia

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