This page contains the detailed and easy notes forGCSE Biology OCR Coordination and Control – The nervous System for revision and understanding Coordination and Control – The nervous System.
GCSE OCR GATEWAY Biology Complete Revision Summary
Plant hormones
- Plant hormones
Auxin and gravitopism
Practical activity – Effects of light or gravity on seedling growth
Other plant hormones – Higher
Use of plant hormones – Higher
Auxin is produced in the shoot tip. When light falls on auxin it is displaced to the shader side promoting growth of the shader region resulting in growth of shoot towards light.
Gravitropism – The movement of roots towards gravity.
- It is also caused by auxin. In roots auxin inhibits the growth of the roots at the lower side resulting in bending of the root downwards.
- Auxin is displaced to lower side in response to gravity.
Plant hormones
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- It stimulates cell divsion and growth of the plant
- It is used to stimulate rooting in tissue culture.
- Used as Weedicide causing excess growth of the weed and killing them.
- Seed germination
- Promote flowering
- End seed dormancy
- Elongation of stem.
- It is a gaseous hormone
- It is involved in fruit ripening
- Allows transportation of raw fruit to long distances and then they can be ripped by ethene.
Caused Cell Division
Abscicic acid
Stress hormone prepared the plant for stress conditions
I have tried my level best to cover the maximum of your specification. But this is not the alternative to the textbook. You should cover the specification or the textbook thoroughly. This is the quick revision to help you cover the gist of everything. In case you spot any errors then do let us know and we will rectify it.
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Make sure you have watched the above videos and are familiar with the key definitions before trying these questions. It is also good to time yourself while doing these questions so that you can work on the speed as well
Human Nervous System
- Human Nervous System 1 MS
- Human Nervous System 1 QP
- Human Nervous System 2 MS
- Human Nervous System 2 QP
- Human Nervous System 3 MS
- Human Nervous System 3 QP