Edexcel IGCSE Chemistry Reactivity Series


Metal + Dilute Acids = Salt + Hydrogen

Metal + Water = Metal Hydroxide + Hydrogen

Reactivity Series

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More reactive metal will displace the less reactive metal from its salt solution.

Magnesium(More reactive metal)  + Zinc sulphate (Less reactive salt )  = Magnesium sulphate (More reactive metal displaces the less reactive) + Zinc

Lead + Magnesium Sulphate                =                No reaction

(Less reactive metal cannot displace the more reactive metal)


Disclaimer: I have tried by level best to provide the answers and video explanations to the best of my knowledge. All the answers and notes are written by me and if there is any similarity in the content then it is purely coincidental. But this is not an alternative to the textbook. You should cover the specification or the textbook thoroughly. This is the quick revision to help you cover the gist of everything. In case you spot any errors then do let us know and we will rectify it.


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