This page contains the AQA AS Chemistry C11 Introduction to Organic Chemistry Questions and kerboodle answers for revision and understanding Introduction to Organic Chemistry.This page also contains the link to the notes and video for the revision of this topic.
Banner 1 C11.1 Carbon Compounds AQA AS Chemistry C11 Introduction To Organic Chemistry Kerboodle: Page No. 180 1.Ans-
a.0.4 mol
b 1.0 mol
c C2H5
d .C4H10
11.2 Nomenclature-naming organic compoundsAQA AS Chemistry C11 Introduction To Organic Chemistry Kerboodle: Page No. 185
1.Ans-a 1-chloropropane
b pentane
c pent-2-ene
d 2-methylpentane
a methylbutanone
b but-2-ene
c 2-chlorohexane
d but-1-ene.
11.3 IsomerismAQA AS Chemistry C11 Introduction To Organic Chemistry Kerboodle : Page No. 187
1.Ans- What type of structural isomerism is shown by the following pairs of molecules? Choose from: A – functional groups at different points, B = different functional groups, C = chain branching. a B = different functional groups
b functional groups at different points
c C = chain branching
2 .Ans-
b.Ans- hexane
4.Ans- a Give the name of this:
Practice questions: Page No. 188-189 1. Ans-
Hydrogen and carbon only
(ii) CnH2n+2
(iii) C6H14
b. any two from:
• Chemically similar / react in same way
• Differ by CH2
• Same functional group
• Gradation in physical properties or specified trend, e.g. b.p.
(c) (i) Same molecular formula and different structural formula
(i) % by mass of H = 7.70%mol H = 7.70 / 1 = 7.70
mol C = 92.3 / 12 = 7.69
ratio 1 : 1 → CH
CH has empirical mass of 13 and 78/13 = 6 → C6H62 a) Dichlorodifluoromethane
b) Tetrachloromethane
c) 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane 3.Ans-

any two from:
• appropriate structure for pent-2-ene
• appropriate structure for 2-methylbut-2-ene
• appropriate structure for 3-methylbut-l-ene
4 There are four structural isomers of molecular formula C^HgBr. The structural formulae of two of these isomers are given below.

2-bromo-2-methylpropane5 (a)

Stronger / more vdw (forces) between molecules (of 1-bromohexane) (b)