I have been getting a lot of demands on sharing the targeted work plan to get a grade 9 in GCSE. So here I come with a 14 Days work plan. Now this plan can be useful near to the exams or at the start of the year as well so that you can get a head start for your GCSE’s. This plan can be used for Maths and Science from Year 8 onwards as the topics are the same just the depth of the study will vary.

How does Plan work?
So, How does the plan work to get a grade 9 in GCSE? I have divided the complete Maths and Science syllabus in 14 Days .
14-Days-GCSE-Work-Plan-to-Get-A_A_-in-GCSE-by-Mahima-Laroyia-Sheet1-1-converted (1)
I have tried my level best to create the best possible work plan but this plan is not a short cut. If there is any similarity with any other plan available then that is coincidental. It is very difficult to cover the whole one-year syllabus in 14 Days but this is a revision work plan to help you revise the whole syllabus in 14 Days. You should cover the specification very thoroughly and make sure to check your specification after covering these topics. If you spot any errors then do let me know.